jueves, 19 de septiembre de 2013

Erotic minds

You are my bliss
I'm in your arms
A total happy mess

Do what you want with me



My blue eyes
Seducing yours

Entwined tongues
Sensuous kisses
Captivating bodies

Minds chained up
In luscious desires
Lost in our own
Delightful paradise



Purple blue eyes
Stroking my lips
Opening them slowly



when we passed each other

she poured a smile into my eyes


domingo, 21 de julio de 2013

#VeryShortStory I

As I write this,

I am feeling a sweet shudder

#VeryShortStory #byJo
(if you use the story in twitter,
 please post both hashtags close)

sábado, 20 de julio de 2013

#sixwords poetry II

{Feel free to post the #sixwords on twitter using both hashtags}

Your words arouse my insatiable curiosity #sixwords #byJo

Trembling dancing tides ~ lick anxious beaches #sixwords #byJo

You are my cocaine ~ sweet ecstasy #sixwords #byJo

Be with me ~ not asking why #sixwords #byJo

Dancing the hard walz ~ velvet flor #sixwords #byJo

#sixwords poetry I

{Feel free to post the #sixwords on twitter using both hashtags}

Your blindfolded slave ~ touch me now #sixwords #byJo

Your hair flatters my longing skin #sixwords  #byJo

Silken sheets ~ Inviting lips ~ Sandal Scents #sixwords #byJo

Make Love ~ Not War ~ Bite Me #sixwords #byJo

 Yellow mellow mango ~ tiny sugar peaches #sixwords #byJo

sábado, 2 de marzo de 2013

Imagen de la luna y un avion

Un avión delante la luna llena, tomada en Arizona (Phoenix, EE.UU.)

fuente: BirminghamMail

Frutas que se parecen a ubres de vaca

La chichigua o ubre de vaca (solanum mammosum) es el nombre de una planta cuyas frutas se parecen a ubres de vaca.

más en wikipedia

The Cow Udder Plant

'Super Duper Titty Fruit' (solanum mammosum) is actually a name of a fruit that look exactly like Cow's Udder.

more about in Wikipedia

domingo, 24 de febrero de 2013

Leer 150 veces Alicia en el País de las Maravillas

El poemario "Me lleva el Tren" de Lillian van den Broeck es publicado por El Juglar/Ediciones Ermitaño